Emma Matthies
Emma is a freelance writer and yoga teacher based in Vermont. Her quest for stories has been a defining force in her life, leading her across continents and through the strange worlds pressed between the pages of a book.
Uncover Powerful Healing with the Meridian Archetypes
Years of experience in the field of strength and flexibility training has given the staff of Infinity Flexibility the ability...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
10 min read
God or Goddess: Investigate Divinity with the Sexual Meridian
The sexual meridian is represented by the archetype of the god/goddess. Like the Greek and Roman gods, the power of...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
8 min read
Yin & Yang: A Timeless Path to Balance in the Body
Excess yang or yin can cause a variety of imbalances in the body. Infinity uses yin/yang to identify problem areas,...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
7 min read
Flexibility Training: A New Way to Loosen Up
Tight muscles and a lack of flexibility are the direct results of tension in the muscles. Where that tension manifests...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
6 min read
The Politician: A Heart Meridian Archetype
The theme of the heart is unity. It connects yin and yang, which are two states of being with the...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
8 min read
The 6 Supportive Meridians That Will Heal Your Digestion
We are all familiar with the physical process of digestion where the body break-down food and drink and converts them...
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
7 min read
The Artist: A Small Intestine Meridian Archetype
We know that extreme emotions can negatively affect our digestion, causing poor absorption and slow movement through the digestive tract....
Emma Matthies,
4 years ago
9 min read
The Entrepreneur: A Stomach Meridian Archetype
American culture is exceptional because of the energy of the stomach meridian. The stomach is the spirit of entrepreneurship and...
Emma Matthies,
5 years ago
8 min read
5 Resistance Training Techniques for Beginners
Tips and tricks for introducing regular stretching exercises to your workout. Resistance exercises wake up the brain-muscle connections to tap...
Emma Matthies,
5 years ago
6 min read
The Mediator: A Spleen Meridian Archetype
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, earth elements are particularly important in times of transition. They keep us grounded and protected during...
Emma Matthies,
5 years ago
7 min read
- Flexibility & Strength13 (13)
- Healing for Meridians10 (10)
- Holistic Lifestyle5 (5)
- Lymphatic Drainage7 (7)
- Massage4 (4)
- Meridian Archetypes19 (19)
- Spiritual1 (1)
- Traditional Chinese Medicine12 (12)
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