Therapeutic Spa

Infinity Therapeutic Spa is intended to provide unique and functional spa treatments based on a combination of eastern and western philosophy. Our spa treatments will pique your curiosity and heal your body and mind.
Current Offerings:
-Phyto5 Seasonal Skin Treatments–
–Moor Mud Treatment–
-Thai Foot Reflexology-
-Thai Herbal Compress Massage-
Phyto5 Seasonal Skin Treatments

Infinity’s Phyto5 Skin treatments rotate with the Phyto5 seasonal calendar. Each treatment has a specific blend of aromas and nutrients meant to combat the common skin ailments of the season.
Summer (Fire) Increase joy while treating irritated, sensitive, blotchy, allergic skin.
Fall (Metal) Combat depression and grief while treating dry, dull, lifeless, and flaky skin.
Winter (Water) Relax and rejuvenate while treating dehydration, lack of skin tone, and wrinkles.
Spring (Wood) Reduce frustration while treating oiliness, blackheads, and hyper-pigmentation.
In-Between (Earth) Pushes through stagnation while treating blemishes, toxicity, acne, psoriasis, and enlarged pores.
Treatments include:
- Back Exfoliation
- Violet Clay Envelopment
- 5 Season Facials
- 5 Season Full Body
- 5 Season Hand and Foot
Moor Mud Treatment

The moor mud treatments serve as a comforting hot or cold treatment for recent injury sites such as broken bones, strained muscles, and even certain skin conditions. Moor mud re-mineralizes your cellular structure improving health and healing capability- plus it feels amazing. This treatment may be added to any 90-minute session of either massage or stretching.
Thai Foot Reflexology

Thai foot reflexology unblocks the energy of the meridians via the feet. This luxurious foot massage can heal the entire body. Pressure is applied to different sections of the foot based on the chart below.
Interested in trying Thai Reflexology at Infinity? This treatment can be added to any regular massage or flexibility/strength training treatment for a discounted rate! ($50 for 30 min)
Thai Herbal Compress Massage

Our Thai Herbal Compress Massage provides a multi-sensation experience via aromatherapy, heat, and massage. The relaxation experience is unmatched!
The healing practice of Thai herbal compress therapy dates back nearly 5,000 years, to an era when the knowledge of plants, including their effects through ingestion or application on the body, were painstakingly researched and then passed down from one generation to the next.
This herbal therapy was designed to relieve pain and inflammation. A selection of therapeutic herbs, including prai, ginger, turmeric, and lemongrass, are wrapped in a muslin compress, steamed, and then applied to the body in gentle pressing, circular and rolling movements.
In Thailand, the herbal compress is called Luk pra kob, translated as “herbal pressing sphere.” To make the compress, a combination of healing herbs is bundled together following ancient recipes, steamed, and placed directly on the skin to soothe muscular aches and swelling.
The popularity that these herbal compresses have long enjoyed was mainly due to their easy adaptability – the treatment is neither expensive nor complicated, yet effective. For this reason, it has the power to transcend social barriers. In ancient times it was used by Thai royalty in elaborate treatments and by soldiers for aches and pains after returning from battle.
Some scholars believe that herbal compress massage was first introduced to Thailand by monks from India, who established the first Buddhist monasteries in Thailand around 200 B.C. Others believe it originated from rural folk medicine and was passed on by word of mouth through an unbroken chain of masters, or through secret manuscripts that changed hands from teacher to student.
Herbal compress therapy retains its popularity in Thailand and is offered throughout the country – from storefront massage establishments to high-end spas to the Traditional Thai Massage School in the temple of Wat Pho in Bangkok.
The Technique moves West
The herbal ball provides aromatherapy, thermal therapy, and herbal therapy all at once in a modality that is new and unique. As the pores open and allow the herbs to take effect, ailments such as stiff, sore, or pulled muscles and ligaments, back pain, migraines, stress, and anxiety are almost instantly relieved.
The hot compresses are ideal for alleviating pain, stiffness, soreness, or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic backaches, arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines, and chronic stress or anxiety. The blend of traditional Thai herbs used in these compresses has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body and mind, soothing sore and overworked muscles while giving the body’s energy reserves a huge boost.
Usage Variations in Massage
- Pressing gently using the heated Thai Herbal compress
- Start a regular massage session with Thai treatment to warm the muscles
- Use the compress as heated pillows, as a prop for the client’s neck, head, or the backs of the knees.
- Stimulate energy flow from one specific acupressure point, press compress into point gently
- For muscle strains, tendon or ligament sprains, contusions, hematomas, and move severe injuries requiring cold therapy.
- Apply a cold compress (heat 10-15 minutes) to release the beneficial alkaloids in the herbs, then freeze before application

Cupping is a negative-pressure bodywork experience- the opposite of massage positive-pressure experiences. Cupping is a century-old technique used around the world for all kinds of health issues. At Infinity Bodywork, we use cupping in a single session or combined with massage and stretching sessions.